Serving the renewal of the earth and human culture

Renewal Education offers transformational education programs that challenge the status quo and reimagines humanity as a regenerator species

A passion for transformation

We serve people at pivotal moments in their lives: from birth and childhood to crossing the threshold of adulthood, to becoming a parent or elder.


Our courses and coaching programs offer life-transforming results.


Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Études Architectural Solutions.


We donate 10% of our profits to indigenous-led initiatives to protect the environment and preserve culture


We are available on a limited basis to support businesses in transforming into a force of earth-renewal.


Have something to teach that will help shift the global paradigm to one of earth-renewal? Contact us.

Nature School

We are in the process of building the funds to create a nature-based school, with scholarships for BIPOC students. Contact us to get involved.

Join our community

We are on the lookout for teachers of programs that support a world justice, compassion, and the regeneration of the earth. We are creating a revolution with love at the center.

Teach with us

  • We bring you the students…
  • You teach.
  • You get paid.
  • We donate 10% of the profits.

Join our Newsletter

  • Join the beta versions of new programs.
  • Receive insights on earth renewal.
  • Join a vibrant community.

“Renewal Education has made it possible to live my dream: to make a living being of service by doing what I love.”


Founder, Birth Untethered

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